
Environmental Radioactivity Measurement and Research Laboratory 

Environmental Radioactivity Measurement and Research Laboratory; consists of gamma spectroscopy system, alpha spectrometer system and radon measurement systems.

Gamma spectrometer system; Gamma spectroscopy is a good method for measuring photon emission at certain energy levels. With the gamma spectroscopy system, it can be determined whether the substances in our environment are radioactive and if it is radioactive, from which nuclei this radioactivity originates. Fort his reason, it is used to measure and determine the activity of a radioactive material.

Various researches will be carried out by using the existing devices in the system and nuclear analytical techniques. With gamma spectroscopy, which is a simple and harmless way, in environmental samples (soil, sediment, water, etc.), in various food products and foods (tea, hazelnuts, etc.), in industrial raw materials and products (fertilizer, coal, cement, ceramics), and in building materials such as marble, granite natural and artificial radioactivity analysis will be done. Radioactivity measurements and analyzes of all kinds of food and environmental/industrial materials can be made in our laboratory with the requests of private or public institutions.

The gamma spectroscopy system consists of a low background p-type coaxial Ge (HPGe) detector with high resolution and 35% efficiency that can measure gamma energies between 40 keV and 10 MeV. Its outer surface is 700 µm thick, Li is impregnated and its inner surface is ion implanted. The detector window is aluminum and there is an automatic high voltage shutdown system to protect the preamplifier. The system also includes a multi-channel analyzer (DSPEC jr 2.0) with a digital signal processor. The detector is cooled by a mechanical cooling system (X-COOLER III), which does not require the use of liquid nitrogen. The detector has a 10 cm thick armor that can be opened from the top and has a vertical geometry. The system is controlled by GammaVision 6.2 software. For the calibration of the system, there is a mixed radioactive nucleus gamma reference source (109Cd, 57Co, 139Ce, 203Hg, 113Sn, 85Sr, 137Cs, 88Y, 60Co) and a 232Th gamma reference source.

The laboratory includes hand-held GPS device, vacuum oven, sieving machine, mechanical crusher and grinder, precision balances and other devices which are required for the collection of samples and their preparation to make measurement in the gamma spectroscopy system.

Alpha spectrometer system; Alpha spectrometry is an analytical measurement method. It is used in many appliactions such as nuclear decay measurements, geological studies, sedimentation rate studies, determination of radioisotopes emitting alpha particles in environmental (sediment, soil, food, etc.) and biological samples.

The spectrometer system in the laboratory includes two counting chambers (Alpha Duo), two ion implanted silicon detectors (ULTRA AS) and a vacuum pump (ALPHA-MINI-PPS), which enable to make two simultaneous measurements. The system has two measuring chambers, vacuum gauge, voltage source which is adjustable between 0 and ±100 V, preamplifier, test pulse generator and leakage current monitör. All these functions are software (MAESTRO® MCA) controlled. The active area of ​​the independent detectors in the counting rooms is 450 mm2 and operates in the energy range of 0 to 10 MeV. In each counting chamber, the detector-source distance is adjustable and there are 10 levels.

Radon measurement systems; Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless naturally occurring radioactive gas. The primary source of radon gas entry into indoor spaces is the underground soil, and the secondary source is the materials used in the buildings. According to a study by the National Academy of Sciences in America; It has been determined that 15000 – 22000 people die as a result of lung cancer caused by radon gas per year. Radon gas is also used in earthquake prediction studies. The amount of radon released into the atmosphere from the earth's crust is generally small, but anomalies are observed in the measured amount of radon gas at fault lines, geothermal sources, uranium deposits, during volcanic movements and before the occurrence of earthquakes. For this reason, radon monitoring in underground waters studies can be used in the prediction of eartquake and it may be predicted a few hours before it happens.

Since people spend most of their lives inside buildings, measuring the amount of radon gas stored in the building is also of great importance.

In our laboratory, the relationship between earthquake and radon gas will be studied. Moreover, the radon gas measurements in soil, water and air in various districts of Turkey will be possible.

In the laboratory, there are systems that can measure and analyze radon gas in water, soil and air with active and passive methods. By using active method; Continuous determination of radon and radon product radioactive core concentrations is carried out with AlphaGUARD which is a compact and portable measurement system.  By using passive method; Measurements are made with solid-state nuclear scar removal (LR115) detectors.

Optical microscope and counting system, water bath, pure water device, precision balances, magnetic stirrers, vacuum oven, chemicals etc. are used for these measurements and analyses. These materials and devices are available in the laboratory.

Nuclear Physics Nuclear Electronics Laboratory 

The nuclear electronic laboratory  provides service by taking micrographs required by different disciplines, especially in Laboratory Plant Systematics, Plant Morphology and Anatomy.

In addition to the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in the laboratory, there is a photomicroscope which has ability of making measurements and analysis. Also there is a stereo microscope has ability of measuring and analyzing.

Dielectric Spectroscopy Laboratory 

1-Thermoelectric and polymer samples are deposited as thin film by a deposition system.

2-Some parameters such as dielectric constant, dielectric loss, electric modulus and alternative conductivity are measured depending on frequency, temperature and film thickness by dielectric spectroscopy system.

3-By making some change on electrodes some liquid measurements are done by dielectric spectroscopy system  

Materials with thermoelectric properties as thin film form are needed for some processes such as cooling of microprocessors, thermoelectric energy generation and converting of loss energy to usable energy. Besides, Polymer and plasma polymer materials are used for packaging technology, covering of biomedical materials, controlled drug release and filtering systems.

In Dielectric Spectroscopy Laboratory, thin film samples are deposited by Thermal evaporation, e-beam and magnetron sputtering techniques. The deposited films are measured by Dielectric Spectropy System and their polarization mechanisms, conductivity mechanisms are determined.

Infrared Spectroscopy and Simulation Laboratory 

Infrared Spectroscopy and Simulation Laboratory is equipped with a Perkin Elmer Spectrum 400 spectrometer with ATR unit (Pike Technologies, Gladi ATR, 3 mm diameter, angle of incidence is 450) and a QuantumCube cluster. FTIR analyses can be done in absorbance or transmitted modes in the mid IR range(4000–450 cm-1) and far IR range(750–30 cm-1). Sample preparation is generally not required for ATR analysis. Solids, liquids, pastes, films and gels are easily measured by ATR. QuantumCube computational chemistry cluster is designed for calculations which need more computing resources such as multi-core CPU, memory and disc bandwith.

This laboratory offers analysis for the identification of materials including paints, polymers,

coatings, pharmaceuticals, foods and other products , the characterization of organic

contaminants and studies of lattice vibrations in crystals by Fourier Transform Infrared

Spectroscopy (FTIR) and molecular mechanics and quantum chemical calculations.

Environmental Radioactivity Measurement and Research Laboratory 

Environmental Radioactivity Measurement and Research Laboratory; consists of gamma spectroscopy system, alpha spectrometer system and radon measurement systems.

Gamma spectrometer system; Gamma spectroscopy is a good method for measuring photon emission at certain energy levels. With the gamma spectroscopy system, it can be determined whether the substances in our environment are radioactive and if it is radioactive, from which nuclei this radioactivity originates. Fort his reason, it is used to measure and determine the activity of a radioactive material.

Various researches will be carried out by using the existing devices in the system and nuclear analytical techniques. With gamma spectroscopy, which is a simple and harmless way, in environmental samples (soil, sediment, water, etc.), in various food products and foods (tea, hazelnuts, etc.), in industrial raw materials and products (fertilizer, coal, cement, ceramics), and in building materials such as marble, granite natural and artificial radioactivity analysis will be done. Radioactivity measurements and analyzes of all kinds of food and environmental/industrial materials can be made in our laboratory with the requests of private or public institutions.

The gamma spectroscopy system consists of a low background p-type coaxial Ge (HPGe) detector with high resolution and 35% efficiency that can measure gamma energies between 40 keV and 10 MeV. Its outer surface is 700 µm thick, Li is impregnated and its inner surface is ion implanted. The detector window is aluminum and there is an automatic high voltage shutdown system to protect the preamplifier. The system also includes a multi-channel analyzer (DSPEC jr 2.0) with a digital signal processor. The detector is cooled by a mechanical cooling system (X-COOLER III), which does not require the use of liquid nitrogen. The detector has a 10 cm thick armor that can be opened from the top and has a vertical geometry. The system is controlled by GammaVision 6.2 software. For the calibration of the system, there is a mixed radioactive nucleus gamma reference source (109Cd, 57Co, 139Ce, 203Hg, 113Sn, 85Sr, 137Cs, 88Y, 60Co) and a 232Th gamma reference source.

The laboratory includes hand-held GPS device, vacuum oven, sieving machine, mechanical crusher and grinder, precision balances and other devices which are required for the collection of samples and their preparation to make measurement in the gamma spectroscopy system.

Alpha spectrometer system; Alpha spectrometry is an analytical measurement method. It is used in many appliactions such as nuclear decay measurements, geological studies, sedimentation rate studies, determination of radioisotopes emitting alpha particles in environmental (sediment, soil, food, etc.) and biological samples.

The spectrometer system in the laboratory includes two counting chambers (Alpha Duo), two ion implanted silicon detectors (ULTRA AS) and a vacuum pump (ALPHA-MINI-PPS), which enable to make two simultaneous measurements. The system has two measuring chambers, vacuum gauge, voltage source which is adjustable between 0 and ±100 V, preamplifier, test pulse generator and leakage current monitör. All these functions are software (MAESTRO® MCA) controlled. The active area of ​​the independent detectors in the counting rooms is 450 mm2 and operates in the energy range of 0 to 10 MeV. In each counting chamber, the detector-source distance is adjustable and there are 10 levels.

Radon measurement systems; Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless naturally occurring radioactive gas. The primary source of radon gas entry into indoor spaces is the underground soil, and the secondary source is the materials used in the buildings. According to a study by the National Academy of Sciences in America; It has been determined that 15000 – 22000 people die as a result of lung cancer caused by radon gas per year. Radon gas is also used in earthquake prediction studies. The amount of radon released into the atmosphere from the earth's crust is generally small, but anomalies are observed in the measured amount of radon gas at fault lines, geothermal sources, uranium deposits, during volcanic movements and before the occurrence of earthquakes. For this reason, radon monitoring in underground waters studies can be used in the prediction of eartquake and it may be predicted a few hours before it happens.

Since people spend most of their lives inside buildings, measuring the amount of radon gas stored in the building is also of great importance.

In our laboratory, the relationship between earthquake and radon gas will be studied. Moreover, the radon gas measurements in soil, water and air in various districts of Turkey will be possible.

In the laboratory, there are systems that can measure and analyze radon gas in water, soil and air with active and passive methods. By using active method; Continuous determination of radon and radon product radioactive core concentrations is carried out with AlphaGUARD which is a compact and portable measurement system.  By using passive method; Measurements are made with solid-state nuclear scar removal (LR115) detectors.

Optical microscope and counting system, water bath, pure water device, precision balances, magnetic stirrers, vacuum oven, chemicals etc. are used for these measurements and analyses. These materials and devices are available in the laboratory.

Advanced Lithographic Methods Laboratory 

Advanced Lithographic Methods Laboratory has been established in 2014 as an outcome of Minis- try of Development funded infrastructure project and comprises of a clean room area of 100 m2 with Class 10, 100 and 1000 sections. The laboratory facilities are suitably equipped to enable studies on fabrication of electronic/ optoelectronic and lab-on-a-chip devices by photolithography and dry etching techniques at a nano/micro scale, imaging of surfaces and cross-sections of solids and determination of elemental composition of materials. 100 Class Yellow Room includes, 10 Class Wet bench equipped with spin coater, Hot plate, Ultrasonic cleaner, Chemical bench, Mask aligner (SUSS MJB4), Profilometer (KLA Tencor P6) and 1000 Class section includes, Thermal evaporator (VAKSIS), Wire bonder (Kulicke & Soffa), Dry etching equipment (FEI Versa 3D Dual Beam - Focused Ion Beam / RAITH Electron beam system), SEM (FEI), AFM (Park Systems), EDS (EDAX). It is aimed to initiate and conduct collaborative re- search with Anadolu University (Turkey), Cumhuriyet University (Turkey), Sakarya University (Turkey), Akdeniz University (Turkey), Yıldız Technical University (Turkey), Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (Turkey),  University of Essex (UK), University of York (UK), University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (USA), Tampere University of Technology (Finland), LAAS (France) and Victoria University (Canada) on fabrication and characterization of novel semiconductor structures and optoelectronic/ electronic devices.

Nano and Optoelectronic Research Laboratory 

Optical and electrical characterization of novel semiconductor materials and electronic/optoelectronic devices based on semiconductors at a wide range of temperature (2 – 300 K), investigation of charge transport phenomena in solid materials by magnetotransport, detection of defect levels, synthesis and characterization of nanostructures and investigation of magnetic properties of semiconductors are the main research activities. Optical characterization (spectral photoconductivity, spectral photovoltage, reflection, modulation spectroscopy, photoluminescence) from UV (200 nm) to IR (10 μm) region between 2 and 300 K, Electrical characterization (a.c. and d.c. Current-Voltage Measurements), Hall Effect measurement system (2.3 T, 10 - 300 K), Magneto-transport set-up (7 T, 4 - 300 K), Defect spectroscopy (DLTS),  Tunable Laser (1260-1360 nm, 55 mW),Optical Spectrum Analyzer (600-1700 nm),Liquid nitrogen generator with a production capacity of 40 l/day. We conduct collaborative studies with Anadolu University (Turkey), Cumhuriyet University (Turkey), Sakarya University (Turkey), Akdeniz University (Turkey), Yıldız Technical University (Turkey), University of Essex (UK), Tampere University of Technology (Finland), LAAS (France), and Victoria University (Canada). We conduct TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) funded projects on electrical/optical properties of novel semiconductor alloys, design and characterization of photodetectors for optical communication and COST projects on development of novel gain materials/devices based on semiconductors alloys and devices operating in THz region.

High Magnetic Field and Low Temperature Laboratory 

High Magnetic Field and Low Temperature Laboratory, founded in 2012 as an outcome of a Istanbul University-funded project, is suitably equipped to enable studies on investigation of charge transport mechanisms in solid materials and semiconductor devices at a variable magnetic field and low temperatures, magnetic field-de- pendent conductivity, classical Hall Effect and quantum Hall Effect, electrical characterization and investigation of magnetic properties of solids. 18/20 T Superconducting magnet system with a dilution refrigerator (10 mK), Superconducting mag- net system (7 T, 4.2 - 300 K), Helium recycling system and helium liquefier system (18 l/day). It is proposed to conduct collaborative studies and projects with University of Essex (UK), Tampere University of Technology (Finland), LAAS (France), INSA (France) and Victoria University (Canada) based on investigation of magneto-transport proper- ties of semiconductor materials, classical and quantum Hall Effects, charge transport in solids.

Molecular Simulation Laboratory

On this high computing platform which was designed as a cluster by collecting a number of server computers, the structural and spectroscopic properties of the molecules with scientific value and their interactions with the other molecules in the medium can be investigated by means of molecular simulations based on quantum mechanical calculations; these investigations have been proceeded mainly on the molecular structures used as drug-effective material.   

The Molecular Simulation method, which is based on quantum mechanical calculations, is known as one of the most effective and reliable methods in the elucidation of the structure and chemical properties of molecules. Calculations performed on a high computing platform (HPC) by using the electronic structure calculation methods classified as Semi empirical, Ab-initio and Density Functional Theory can enable us to correctly and detailly determine the conformational structures, charge distributions, intermolecular and intramolecular charge transfers and interactions of the molecules under investigation as well as the structure-function relations for them. 

The molecular properties mentioned above can be successfully analyzed on the HPC system located in our division, which consists of a management server and seven computing servers connected to it (cpu types : Intel-Itanium and Amd-opteron) and includes the Gaussian03 software. This HPC system, which is a compact system using the Linux operating system and having the capability of performing parallel computation, has been designed for modeling the medium-sized molecular structures and are very intensively utilized in the research studies that we proceed to elucidate the structural and spectroscopic properties of the molecules used as drug-effective materials in the cancer drugs.   

Nuclear Physics Detector Design Laboratory

Design and production of Plastic Scintillator Dedector

In Nuclear Detector Design Lab, within the framework of various regulations that force to use detectors in some facilities, detector design and production processes will be initiated.

Molecular Spectroscopy Laboratory 

Characterization of molecular structures and determination of their crystallinity (if exists) and their functional groups are being studied. In addition, detection of the effect of various diseases at molecular level is aimed (identification of cancerous tissues, studies on osteoporosis etc.). The structural analysis of the drugs used and their interactions with the media are being studied spectroscopically. Also, the structural analysis of archaeological findings and determination of the chemical compositions of the semiconductor alloys are carried out. All these experimental studies are supported by molecular simulation calculations.

Infrared and Raman spectroscopy provides information on chemical analysis of the materials, characterization of molecular structures, the determination of molecular bonds and the interaction of the materials with the media. Since point analysis can be made with Micro-Raman spectroscopy, the homogeneity of the sample can be investigated by this method. Also phase analysis and the reaction mechanisms can be analyzed by IR and Raman spectroscopic techniques.

In this laboratory mainly medicine, archeology and materials science studies are carried out. Detection of the effect of various diseases at molecular level (identification of cancerous tissues, studies on osteoporosis etc.) by Raman spectroscopy, the structural analysis of various drugs, the pigment analysis of archaeological findings and determination of the chemical compositions of the semiconductor alloys are the examples of these studies. All these studies are of interdisciplinary nature.

The equipments in our lab are: FT-IR spectrometer (mid and far IR), FT-Raman spectrometer (50-3600 cm-1 spectral range, Nd-YAG laser source with 1 W power, equipped with both room-temperature InGaAs detector and a proprietary high-sensitivity Ge detector),  Micro-Raman spectrometer (50-8000 cm-1 wavenumber range, 785 nm and 532 nm laser sources with 100 mW power)

We have collaborations with Potsdam University (Germany), Oral Roberts University (USA), Uzhgorod University (Ukraine) and Politechnico di Milano (Italy). Molecular structure and vibrational analysis studies are being carried out within the scope of TUBITAK projects and structural and electronic band gap analysis of some amorph solids is being carried out within the scope of bi-lateral TUBITAK project (Ukrainian-Turkish).




Thin Film and Defect Characterization Laboratory 

In our Lab we use CV, IV and DLTS techniques to characterize energy levels of different types of defect in semiconductors. We also employ TID and TIDIF techniques to investigate some fast diffusing impurities in different host environments.  

We mainly use electrical techniques to characterize various defects in semiconductors. Specifically available techniques in our lab are CV, IV, AC and DLTS. Moreover, similar to DLTS, we can employ TID and TIDIF algorithms to investigate the diffusion of certain elements, like Copper, Iron, Lithium, in various host environments. A recent addition to these techniques is the LDLTS, which can determine the defect parameters much more sensitively than its predecessor DLTS.

Gamma Spectroscopy Laboratory 

Gamma Spectroscopy Laboratory consists of gamma spectroscopy laboratory and radon measurement laboratory.

Gamma spectrometer laboratory; Gamma spectroscopy is a good method for measuring photon emission at certain energy levels. With the gamma spectroscopy system, it can be determined whether the substances in our environment are radioactive and if it is radioactive, from which nuclei this radioactivity originates. Fort his reason, it is used to measure and determine the activity of a radioactive material.

Various researches will be carried out by using the existing devices in the system and nuclear analytical techniques. With gamma spectroscopy, which is a simple and harmless way, in environmental samples (soil, sediment, water, etc.), in various food products and foods (tea, hazelnuts, etc.), in industrial raw materials and products (fertilizer, coal, cement, ceramics), and in building materials such as marble, granite natural and artificial radioactivity analysis will be done. Radioactivity measurements and analyzes of all kinds of food and environmental/industrial materials can be made in our laboratory with the requests of private or public institutions.

The gamma spectroscopy laboratory consists of a low background p-type coaxial Ge (HPGe) detector with high resolution and 35% efficiency that can measure gamma energies between 40 keV and 10 MeV. Its outer surface is 700 µm thick, Li is impregnated and its inner surface is ion implanted. The detector window is aluminum and there is an automatic high voltage shutdown system to protect the preamplifier. The system also includes a multi-channel analyzer (DSPEC jr 2.0) with a digital signal processor. The detector is cooled by a mechanical cooling system (X-COOLER III), which does not require the use of liquid nitrogen. The detector has a 10 cm thick armor that can be opened from the top and has a vertical geometry. The system is controlled by GammaVision 6.2 software. For the calibration of the system, there is a mixed radioactive nucleus gamma reference source (109Cd, 57Co, 139Ce, 203Hg, 113Sn, 85Sr, 137Cs, 88Y, 60Co) and a 232Th gamma reference source.

The laboratory, sieving machine, precision balances and other devices which are required for the collection of samples and their preparation to make measurement in the gamma spectroscopy system.

Chemistry Laboratory 

In the Chemistry Laboratory, we synthesize and preserve the materials that we have studied experimentally in Atomic and Molecular Physics.

In the laboratory, there are 1 fume hood, 2 heated mixers, 2 precision scales, 1 oven and a refrigerator where chemicals are kept.

Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory 

Determination of the hyperfine structure constants by utilizing the atomic specta of elements, identification of the unknown energy levels and spectral lines of atoms are carried out in Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory. The hyperfine structure constants are also used in astrophysics. In this regard, it is an appropriate area of interdisciplinary studies.

Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory, founded in 2012, is based on Doppler reduced or Doppler limited laser spectroscopic investigations; Laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIF), Laser optogalvanic spectroscopy (LOGS) and Saturation absorption spectroscopy (SAS) on atoms and ions. 

Spectroscopic methods are applied to search for new energy levels and hyperfine structure of Atoms, using a continuous wave tuneable titan-sapphire laser (Coherent MBR-110 pumped by Coherent Verdi 18 W) in the wavelength range from 700 nm to 1100 nm. The laser run with a power of about 4 W and a scan width up to 30 GHz. The absolute wave number of the laser is measured using a wavemeter (High Finesse WS-6) with an accuracy of 0.007 cm-1 or 200 MHz.

 Our international cooperations are Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin The University of Latvia, Laser Centre, Riga, Technische Universität Graz, Institüt für Experimentalphysik, Laboratory of Quantum Engineering and Metrology, Poznan University of Technology. Our research subjects are multidisciplinary. New laboratory studies of hyperfine structure constants of atoms are also needed for astrophysics.



Renewable Energy and Oxide Hybrid Systems Laboratory 

Renewable Energy and Oxide Hybrid Systems Laboratory was established under the responsibility of Assoc. Dr. Musa Mutlu Can in 2018.

Studies carried out within the scope of the laboratory are aimed at the synthesis of nano-sized materials (especially oxide-based semiconductors) and the use of the produced structures in renewable energy technologies. The studies carried out within the scope of renewable energy technologies are the development of materials for electrochemical applications. In particular, hydrogen-based fuel cells, photocatalytic structures, storage of fuel gases, electrochemical hybrid systems and biotechnological materials are being developed.

Nuclear Physics Radon Measurement Laboratory

Nuclear Physics Research Laboratory consists of Gamma Spectroscopy Laboratory and Radon Measurement Laboratory.

Radon is radioactive gas which is colorless, tasteless, and scentless and occurs in a natural way. There are two sources for indoor radon. The first one is underground soil and the second one is materials used in buildings. According to studies of Academy of National Sciences in USA, it is defined that between 15000 and 22000 people per year die because of lung cancer caused by radon gas. At the same time, the radon gas can be used to estimate earthquakes that will happen. The amount of radon emitted from ground to atmosphere is usually small, but before earthquake happen, the measured amount of radon gas show abnormality in fault line, geothermal sources, uranium deposits. For this reason, the earthquake can be estimated it happen by doing the radon measurement in underground waters few hours ago. It is very important to measure the amount of radon gas in buildings because people spent most of their lives in buildings.

We can measure radon gas to find the relation between earthquake and radon gas in soil, air and water for various cities and towns of Turkey.

​​In the Radon Measurement laboratory; There are systems that can measure radon in water, soil and air with active and passive methods. In active method, continuous determination of radon and radon product concentrations can be done with AlphaGuard, a compact and portable measurement system. In passive method, measurements are made with nuclear scar removal detectors.


The necessary materials and devices for these measurements like optical microscope and counting system, water bath, pure water device, precision balance, magnetic stirrer, vacuum oven, chemicals etc are available in the laboratory.